ForrestFire101 Wiki

thumb|300px|rightThe Ultimate Lego Race is a 6-minute race that was uploaded to YouTube.

The Ultimate Lego Race




December 17, 2009


Philip Phillips
Jack Jackson






For the first time ever, heroes and villains from across Lego City have arrived at the 1st annual Lego Race Showdown: supported by Viagra for women and the recently parole criminals babysitting service. The announcers, Phillip Phillips and Jack Jackson, announce the contestants: Batman, Robin, Indiana Jones, Darth Vader, the Villains (Joker, Spalko, and Luthor), Harry Potter, Superman, and Dave. The race starts with Batman in lead and Robin in last (no surprise). Indiana Jones then comes in 2nd. Villains and Indy compete, but Philip, pantsless, worries about Batman. Superman kills Dave with his laserbeam eyes. Philip spills coffee into his lap, and Jack towels it off with his mouth. Harry Potter flips and twists trying to kill Darth Vader. Vader force destroys Potter, which Jack replies his movies are a worse fate. Villains are in 1st but Batman blows them up with his secret weapon. The Jones' secret weapon (a dick move) sends them into a fedora shop, killing them. Superman then flies over Batman into 1st place. Batman distracts Superman (claiming he had sex with his dead mother) and kills Superman (making him watch the film Twilight). Batman, Robin, and Darth Vader are the only survivors. Vader is killed, while Batman's car is damaged. Robin catches up with Batman winning.


Batman, Robin, Superman, Potter, Phillips, Irina, Luthor, Jones, Mutt, S. Trooper - Forrestfire101

Jack Jackson - TotallySketch

Darth Vader - The Four Monkeys

Joker - Keshen8

Special Effects - Darkman13forever
